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Friday, July 24, 2009

Quick Update

We are currently in Fort Collins, CO. Headed east towards Nebraska. We have fallen behind on posting due to the lack of internet. Don't worry, we have been writing great blogs and taking amazing pictures. (oh yeah, we lost our camera usb cord...but we are getting a new one tonight).

Here are just a few photos to keep you occupied.

Bill snoozing after lunch somewhere in Idaho.
Steph in the road. Real safe...I know.

We hate when this happens.


Anonymous said...

Hey Stephanie & Bill - Just read that you were in Ft. Collins, CO - my two grandkids live in Ft. Collins but are here in Minnesota visiting me right now. Kyla & I were just reading your blog on her last night here before she heads home tomorrow. She was excited to see you were in her home town!

Mary M said...

Hey - that last anonymous comment about Ft. Collins was from me (Sorry, I accidently clicked before getting my name in.) Mary M